Dr. S. V. Pingale
(HoD & Associate Professor)

Ph.D (Information Technology), M. Tech (Computer Engineering).

The department of Computer science & Engineering (CSE) was established in 2010 with sanctioned intake 60. Department also offer PG course in CSE having intake 18. The department has offered honor degree course in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning. The main objective of department is to provide technically good IT Professional to industries. The department has a good combination of experienced and young faculties which works as a team to strengthen the department. The department is equipped with good infrastructure which consists of class rooms with ICT enabled facility, well developed 07 computer labs with learning software's and department library. Department is proud of the achievements and the results given by final year students. The department regularly organizes Invited talks, Value addition Program, seminars and workshops which helps to the students stay updated with emerging technologies. Additionally, the department frequently arranges industrial visits to different IT Industries. The Department has signed the MoUs with different industries and institute to strengthen the Industry institute interaction and consultancy. Under this MoUs different activities are organized such as value addition program, Expert Lectures and Online Examination.
The department has started a mentoring scheme called as Teacher Guardian (TG) in which every student meets their mentor faculty (TG teacher) every week to discuss issues related to academic, co-curricular, and other career opportunities. We encourage our students for participating in the National level events like Smart India Hackathon(SIH), Spectrum, WEENGS, etc. Students are participating in project exhibition at University and State Level "Avishkar".
Department has initiated IEI student chapter under which various workshops/seminars are organized. Department student association known as ACSES organizes various events like Hack thon, Techno Zeal for overall development of student. Department has formed different student club for strengthen their technical skill. We embedded project based learning culture in department. Most of our students are placed through campus in multinational companies like TCS, Accenture, Cognizant, Birla Soft, Wipro, Tech Mahindra etc.


To establish ourselves as one of the leading department providing vibrancy in engineering and technology to serve fast changing needs of industry and society.


  • M1:To provide a learning ambience to enhance quality of education, problem solving skills, leadership qualities and team-spirit.
  • M2:To inculcate exposure of modern tools and technologies to serve the needs of fast changing world.
  • M3:To provide exposure for experiential learning and innovations to enhance entrepreneur skills.
  • M4:To promote project based learning through curricular and co-curricular activities.

Program Outcomes(POs)

Engineering Graduate will be able to:

  1. Engineering knowledge:Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution ofcomplex engineering problems
  2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/development of solutions:Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems:Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern tool usage:Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The engineer and society:Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  7. Environment and sustainability:Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics:Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  9. Individual and team work:Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communication:Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project management and finance:Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of t h e engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Life-long learning:Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • PSO 1: Graduate has an ability to use technical skills necessary for design, development and implementation of innovative software solutions.
  • PSO 2: Graduate has an ability to apply domain knowledge and expertise in the field of computer engineering to solve real life and societal problems.

Course Outcomes(CO's)

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • PEO 1: To make students competent for professional career in Computers, IT & allied fields.
  • PEO 2: To build strong fundamental knowledge amongst student to pursue higher education, research and continue professional development in Computers, IT & other fields.
  • PEO 3: To imbibe professional ethics, develop team spirit and effective communication skills to be successful leaders and managers with a holistic approach.
  • PEO 4: To nurture students to be sensitive to ethical, societal & environmental issues while conducting their professional work.
  • PEO 5: To encourage graduates who can identify and solve current problems in the industry and society.

Faculty Details

Sr.NoStaff NameQualificationDesignationExperience in years
1Dr. Subhash Vitthal PingaleM.Tech, Ph.D HOD (CSE)Associate Professor18
2Prof. Namdev Manik SawantMTech(PhD Pursuing)Assistant Professor16
3Prof. Sumeet Sambhaji IngoleMEAssistant Professor12
4Prof. Ramesh Shivaji YevaleM.EAssistant Professor12
5Prof.Shamsundar Sadashiv BhimadeM.TechAssistant Professor11
6Prof. Udaykumar Ganpat PhuleM. Tech, Ph.D. (Pursuing)Assistant Professor9
7Prof.Sandeep Ganpat LingeM.TechAssistant Professor8
9Prof. Somnath Agatrao ZambareM.TechAssistant Professor8
10Prof. Balkrushna Bharat JagadaleM.EAssistant Professor7
11Prof. Jayamala Kundlik HipparkarM. E.Assistant Professor7
8Prof.Manoj Shivaji KoliM.TechAssistant Professor6
12Prof.Anuradha Prakash BinavadeM.TechAssistant Professor6
13Prof. Dhanashri Prashant BhosaleM.TechAssistant Professor4
14Prof.Punam Sagar GavaliM.TechAssistant Professor4

Object Oriented Programming Lab

Object Oriented lab has the facilities for conducting practicals of the subject C and C++, Java, VC++

Major Equipments in Lab

  • 25 Core 2 Duo / Dual Core Computer Systems are available.

Computer Network Lab

Computer Network lab has the facilities for conducting practicals of the subjects Computer Network I and II, Distributed System,

Major Equipments in Lab

  • 25 Core 2 Duo / Dual Core Computer Systems are available.

Advanced Database System Lab

Advanced Database lab has the facilities for conducting practicals of the subjects Database system, Advance DBMS, Data Structures, VB, System Programming

Major Equipments in Lab

  • 25 Core 2 Duo / Dual Core Computer Systems are available.


AI and ML Lab has the facilities for conducting practicals of the subject Mobile Application Development, Python , Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Information Cyber Security

Major Equipments in Lab

  • 25 i5 Computer Systems are available.

PG Research Lab

PG Research lab has the facilities for research work

Pre Incubation Lab

Students are using Pre Incubation center lab for developing their academic projects, by using the latest technology/equipments

Computer Organization & Architecture Lab

Computer Organization & Architecture Lab is used to conduct the practicals of Microprocessor and Computer organization subjects.

Major Equipments in Lab

  • Various Microprocessor Kits.
  • Computer Parts

IoT Lab

IoT Lab is used to conduct the practical of IoT subject

Major Equipments in Lab

  • Arduino kit
  • Node MCU
  • Raspberry PI kit
  • Various Sensors

Computer Centre

Computer Centre has the facilities for conducting practicals of the subjects C and Matlab

Major Equipments in Lab

  • 60 Core 2 Duo / Dual Core Computer Systems are available.
  • LCD projector
  • H.P. Laser Printer
  • H.P. Scanner
  • Internet connectivity (L.A.N., Wi-Fi)

Association of Computer Science & Engg. Students (ACSES)

Formation of ACSES

The inaugural of Association of Computer Science & Engineering Students (A.C.S.E.S) was held on 01th August, 2012. The ceremony began with Lighting of lamps as a respect to Goddess Saraswati by chief guest Dr. Kailash Karande, H.O.D. Thereafter our respected Principal Sir and H.O.D sir addressed to the students. The chief guest very charismatically spoke about Android Development. The day also marked the felicitation of toppers of each year by senior staff members. Thus a great evening ended with the successful co-ordination of staff and A.C.S.E.S members.

Objectives of ACSES

The main objective of the association is to provide a well platform for Computer Engineering Student where they face different level of Competitions and also give them chance to show their talents.ACSES also arrange a various kind of activities to make our students employable.

ACSES committee

Faculty Achievements

Sr.No. Name of staff Credentials
1 Mr. S. V. Pingale 1. EMC Proven Professional EMCPA Associate ISM Certification
2. Worked as reviewer for SCI Indexed Journals
2 Mr. N. M. Sawant 1. IBM DB2 Certification
2. Appreciation by IIT Bombay for best conduction of Spoken tutorials
3. Selected in staff exchange Program for Rawanda
3 Mr. S. S. Ingole Best Teacher Award
4 Mr. A. A. Rajguru 1.Appreciation by IIT Bombay for best conduction of Spoken tutorials
2. GATE Score
5 Mr. P. R. Gadekar 1. Appreciation by IIT Bombay for best conduction of Spoken tutorials
2. Selected in staff exchange Program for Rawanda
6 Mr. S. B. Thigale 1. IBM Rational,DB2-Certified Consultant -Trainer & Practitioner.
2. Appreciation as a Resource Person from GNDEC, Bidar
7 Mr. R. A. Takalikar 1.GATE Score
2. Selected in staff exchange Program for Rawanda
8 Mr. V. A. Dhotre 1. Appreciation letter for 100% Result.
2. Appreciation letter as a Resource person from KPC COE,Shelve, Pandharpur.

Student Achievements


Name of activity


Name of Student


No. of Student

Co-Curricular activities



Navale Mansi Somanath

Japanese Language Exam of Govt. of Japan


Pandharichi Wari App


1. Makar Sudarshan Chagan
2. Nalawade Abhijit Bharat
3. Mulay Gaurang Satish
4. Deshpande Ashutosh Mahesh
5. Mujawar Moin Abdulsutar

This app basically track path of Palakhi , It Provides the Locations of basic necessities like water tank, hospitals , police station Ashrams etc.


Smart India Hackathon 2019


1.Shubham Tandale

2.Sunil Khare

3.Vaibhavi Kulkarni

4.Pooja Gaikwad

5.Abita Wavare

6.Vishal Lawate


2 nd Runner U


Smart India Hackathon 2019


Tushar Nimbalkar

2 nd Runner UP and Mentor


Sinhgad Hackathon 2019


1.Aakash Surwase 2.Sham Mali

3.Sumit Takalikar 4.Sagar Shingare




Sinhgad Hackathon 2019


1.Pranav Tare

2. Aakash Pise 

3. Aman singh


Runner Up


Convene-2019 (Web Application Domain)


1.Komal Raut

2.Nilesh Lengare

3.Pawan Borule

4.Aishwarya Deshpande

5.Akansha Bagal

6.Nutan Vyavahare



Avishar 2018


Shubham Tandale




University Rankers

Sr.No Year Name of Student Class University Rank


Sr.noTitle of paperName of the authorDepartment of TeacherName of journalYear of publicationISSN number
1Remora based Deep Maxout Network model for network intrusion detection using Convolutional Neural Network featuresMr. S. V. PingaleComputer Science and EngineeringComputers and Electrical Engineering2023-24ISSN: 1879-0755
2Breast Cancer Detection using Deep LearningMr.S.S.IngoleComputer Science and EngineeringINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS - IJCRT (IJCRT.ORG)2023-24ISSN Approved Journal No: 2320-2882
3Social Media Post Sentiment AnalysisMr.R.S.YevaleComputer Science and EngineeringINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS - IJCRT (IJCRT.ORG)2023-24ISSN Approved Journal No: 2320-2882
4Transcribe Audio/Video Into Text Using Deep LearningMr.R.S.YevaleComputer Science and EngineeringINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS - IJCRT (IJCRT.ORG)2023-24ISSN Approved Journal No: 2320-2882
5AI HealthCare ChatbotMrs.A. P. BinavadeComputer Science and EngineeringINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS - IJCRT (IJCRT.ORG)2023-24ISSN Approved Journal No: 2320-2882
6A Decentralized Approach to Online Voting: Leveraging Blockchain TechnologyMr.S.S.BhimadeComputer Science and EngineeringJournal of Telecommunication, Switching Systems and Networks2024ISSN: 2454-6372
8Multiple Disease Prediction System Using Machine LearningMr.U.G.PhuleComputer Science and EngineeringJOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, COMPUTING & ARCHITECTURE2024ISSN NO:1934-7197
9Security Issues and Research Challenges in Cloud ComputingMr.B.B.JagdaleComputer Science and EngineeringInternational Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science2024ISSN: 2319-7242
10Security Issues and Research Challenges in Cloud ComputingMr.M.S.KoliComputer Science and EngineeringInternational Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science2024ISSN: 2319-7242
11Security Issues and Research Challenges in Cloud ComputingMr.U.G.PhuleComputer Science and EngineeringInternational Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science2024ISSN: 2319-7242
12Security Issues and Research Challenges in Cloud ComputingMr.S.G.LingeComputer Science and EngineeringInternational Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science2024ISSN: 2319-7242
13Security Issues and Research Challenges in Cloud ComputingMr.S.A.ZambareComputer Science and EngineeringInternational Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science2024ISSN: 2319-7242
14Serverless feedback system using AWS cloud for college surveyMrs.D.P.BhosaleComputer Science and EngineeringJOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, COMPUTING & ARCHITECTURE2024ISSN NO:1934-7197
15Serverless feedback system using AWS cloud for college surveyMrs.P.S.GavaliComputer Science and EngineeringJOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, COMPUTING & ARCHITECTURE2024ISSN NO:1934-7197
16Object detection using machine learningMr.S.G.LingeComputer Science and EngineeringINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS - IJCRT (IJCRT.ORG)2024ISSN Approved Journal No: 2320-2882
17Computer lab automation systemMr.S.A.ZambareComputer Science and Engineering JOURNAL OF electronic design technology2024ISSN Approved Journal No: 2320-2882
18Content-Based Image Search While Maintaining Privacy with Cloud Image RepositoryMr.N.M.SawantComputer Science and EngineeringJournal of Image Processing and Intelligent Remote Sensing2023ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 10, Issue 01, 2023
19Remora whale optimization-based hybrid deep learning for network intrusion detection using CNN featuresMr. S. V. PingaleComputer Science and EngineeringExpert Systems with Applications2022-23ISSN: 1873-6793
20Implementation on Privacy-Preserving Content-Based ImageMr.N.M.SawantComputer Science and EngineeringEuropean Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine2022-23ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 10, Issue 01, 2023
21Precision Agriculture Website using Machine LearningMr.S..S.IngoleComputer Science and EngineeringInternational Journal of Research in Computer Science and Information Technology2022-23ISSN No. 2319-5010 ,Vol.6 ,Issue -1 ,Oct 2023
22Blockchain Based Voting SystemMr.S.G.LingeComputer Science and EngineeringInternational Journal of Research in Computer Science and Information Technology2022-23ISSN No. 2319-5010 ,Vol.6 ,Issue -1 ,Oct 2023
23Transport Management System Using GPS TrackingMr.S.S.BhimadeComputer Science and EngineeringInternational Journal of Research in Computer Science and Information Technology2022-23ISSN No. 2319-5010 ,Vol.6 ,Issue -1 ,Oct 2023

Books and Monographs Publications

Sr.NO Author Name of Book ISBN Number/Publisher
1 Mr. S.S.Ingole Embedded Approach To Material Handling Of Producation System ISBN-978-1-365-82705-1
2 Mr. S.V.Pingale DOS Attack Detection In Network Traffic ISBN-978-1-365-82740-2

A) Seminar/FDP/Workshop/STTP

Sr.No Academic Year Category Title Funding Agency




Explore Machine Learning using Python

Infosys springboard


"One day Workshop on Google Cloud Certification"





Output Based Pedagogy for Effective Teaching & Learning in Engineering Education





One Day Linux Workshop for Teachers



One Day workshop on “Python for Teachers and Research Scholars”



One week FDP on R Programming



One Week FDP on Cyber Security

PMMMNMTT, Shivaji University


One day seminar on “Machine Learning and Deep Learning”

IEI Kolkata





One Day Seminar on "Angular 6 + Google FireBase

IEI Student Chapter


One Day Workshop on Moodle Learning

Management System



One Day Workshop on Python





Cloud Computing and Data Analytics

IEI Students

IEI Student Chapter


lnternet of Thing,(IoT)



Angular JS Technology

IEI Student Chapter


Two Days Workshop on  Android App




Two Days Workshop on “Introduction to Machine Learning”





Two Days Workshop on Essential of Latex, Typesetting Tool



Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning


B) Conferences

Sr. No

Academic Year

Name of Conference


Source of Funding



International Conference on Innovations in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (ICIAIML)-2022

20TH & 21ST AUGUST 2022




International Conference on Innovations in Computer, Electrical and Electronics Engineering-(ICICEEE-2020)

January 02-04, 2020




International Conference on Elecrtical, Electronics & Telecommunication and computer science & Engineering-(ICEECE-2019)

March 29-30,  2019




National Conference on recent trends in computer science & engineering-(NCRTCSE-2018)

March 30-31,  2018


Copy Rights

Sr. No.Name of FacultyTitle of Copyright WorkDiary No.Status
1Dr. S. V. PingaleAutomated Intrusion Detection using multimodal Network14563/2024-CO/SWFiled on Date 06/05/2024
2Mr. U. G. PhuleIoT Based Vehicle Drivers Monitoring System14914/2024-CO/SWFiled on Date 09/05/2024
3Ms. A. P. MoreAI HEALTH CARE CHATBOT15131/2024-CO/LFiled on Date 10/5/2024
4Mr. M. S. KoliA Reliable Authentication Scheme for Personal Health Records15246/2024-CO/LFiled on Date 11/5/2024
5Mr. S. S. BhimadeMastering Regression Testing:Safeguarding Software Stability Through Methodological Validation.15181/2024-CO/LFiled on Date 11/5/2024
6Ms. Dhanashree P. BhosaleWeb Application Firewall Using Machine Learning Technique16160/2024-CO/LFiled on Date 20/05/2024
7Ms. Punam S. GavaliTechniques to share and store large data in usedsystem to reduce network traffic and cost16100/2024-CO/LPublished (Filed on Date 20/05/2024)
8Mr. Ramesh S. YevaleTranscribe Audio/Video Into Text Using Deep Learning15299/2024-CO/LFiled on Date 20/05/2024
9Mr. Balkrushana B. JagdaleSecurity Issues and Research Challenges in Cloud Computing15398/2024-CO/LFiled on Date 13/05/2024
10Mr. Sandeep G. LingeIoT Based Student Monitoring System15692/2024-CO/LFiled on Date 16/05/2024
11Mr. Somnath A. ZambarePerformance Analysis of Patient Centric EHR Through Hyper ledger Fabric15329/2024-CO/LFiled on Date 12/5/2024
12Mr. N. M. SawantPresentation On Block Chain Technology4318/2023-CO/LPublished (14/06/2023)
13Mr. S.S. IngoleLogo of Acses4423/2023-CO/AFilled (18/02/2023)
14Mr. S. S. BhimdeSystem Architecture For Data Sharing With Fine Grained Access Control Using Block Chain Technology.4923/2023-CO/LFilled (24/02/2023)
15Mrs. A. P. BinavadeJudicial Review of Administrative Discretion4422/2023-CO/LPublished (07/07/2023)

Patent by Faculty

Academic YearPatent Application No.Status of Patent Published Title of the PatentApplicant/s NamePatent Filed Date (DD/MM/YYYY) Patent Published Date / Granted Date (DD/MM/YYYY)Patent Publication Number / Patent Granted Number
2023-24202321047443PublishedMultiple Disease Prediction System Using Machine Learning1 . Sawant Namdev Manik 2 . Balkrushna Bharat Jagdale 3 . SKN Sinhgad college of Engineering, Korti 4 . Dr. Kailash J. Karande 5 . Kumbhar Rutuja Ramesh 6 . Khandare Pallavi Rajendra 7 . Bandgar Kajal Shrimant 8 . Sonawane Neha Suresh 9 . Subhash Vitthal Pingale 10 . Udaykumar Ganpat Phule14-07-202329-09-2023202321047443
2023-24202321047389PublishedPrecision Agriculture Website Using Machine Learning1 . Sawant Namdev Manik 2 . Udaykumar Ganpat Phule 3 . SKN Sinhgad college of Engineering, Korti 4 . Dr. Kailash J. Karande 5 . Navale Mansi Somnath 6 . Khan Munira Azim 7 . Chandole Priya Digambar 8 . Subhash Vitthal Pingale 9 . Sumit Sambhaji Ingole 10 . Balkrushna Bharat Jagdale14-07-202329-09-2023202321047389
2022-23202221021978PublishedSmart Dustbin Management System Using Iot/Arduino.1. Kailash J. Karande 2. Sawant Namdev Manik 3. Nimbalkar Tushar Tanaji 4. Sonalkar Pranav Ravindra 5. Diwan Sanket Krushnaji13-04-202220-10-2023202221021978

Internship Summary

SR.No.Academic YearNumber of CompaniesNumber of Students
1.     2023-241575
2.     2022-232074
3.     2021-221572
4.     2020-211871
5.     2019-201464

Industrial Visit Summary

SR.No.Academic YearNumber of Companies Visited Number of Students
1.     2023-242140
2.     2022-23165

MoU's Summary

Sr.No.Name of Industry/Training InstituteDurationNumber of Activity Conducted under MoU
1Leadsoft It SolutionsApril 2023 to April 20251
2Aedifico Skill Innovation NoidaFeb 2021 to 7/1/20231
3WAPMEMBS PVT. LTDPandharpur12 Jan 2022 to 1/12/20271
4APLOMB SOLUTION PVT. LTD.10th Jan 2020 to 19th Jan 20201
5AEDIFICO TECH PVT. LTD. Delhi24th Jun. 2018 to 30th Jun. 20181
6AEDIFICO TECH PVT. LTD. Delhi2 Jan 2018 to 8 Jan 20181
7AEDIFICO TECH PVT. LTD. Delhi24 Dec 2018 to 30 Dec 20181
8SEED Infotech (Red Hat SOLUTION PVT. LTD. Pune)21st June 2018 to 30th June 20181

The Institution of Engineers (India) (IEI) Student Chapter

About IEI Students Chapter

    An IEI Students' Chapter is an initiative under the Institution of Engineers (India) (IEI), aimed at promoting technical knowledge, professional development, and networking opportunities among engineering students. These chapters are typically set up in engineering colleges across India, allowing students to participate in various technical activities such as workshops, seminars, technical competitions, and conferences.

Objectives of IEI

IGS Image
  • 1. Promote Professionalism in Engineering: Cultivate a professional attitude among students towards their chosen engineering discipline, encouraging ethical and responsible practices.
  • 2. Enhance Technical Knowledge: Provide opportunities for students to stay updated with the latest trends, technologies, and innovations in engineering through workshops, seminars, and guest lectures.
  • 3. Encourage Research and Innovation: Foster a culture of research and problem-solving by motivating students to undertake innovative projects and present technical papers at conferences.
  • 4. Develop Leadership and Teamwork: Encourage students to take leadership roles in organizing chapter activities, thereby developing managerial and teamwork skills essential for their future careers.
  • 5. Networking Opportunities: Facilitate interactions between students and industry professionals, alumni, and academic experts to broaden their professional networks.
  • 6. Prepare for Professional Certifications: Guide students to pursue certifications, enhancing their career prospects and credentials in the engineering field.
  • 7. Organize Competitions and Events: Conduct technical competitions, hackathons, and quizzes to challenge students and improve their practical engineering skills.
  • 8. Promote Lifelong Learning: Instill a mindset of continuous learning and development, which is crucial in the rapidly evolving field of engineering.

Outcome of IEI

  • Enhanced Technical Skills
  • Improved Leadership and Managerial Skills
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Professional Certifications and Accolades
  • Exposure to Latest Trends and Innovations
  • Improved Communication Skills
  • Career Readiness
  • Lifelong Learning Attitude
  • Ethical and Responsible Professional Behavior
Sr. No. Course Name Download File Feedback
1 Innovative Teaching-Learning Activity in Internet of Things:Flipped Classroom Feedback
2 Innovative Teaching-Learning Activity in Reinforcement Learning: Crossword Puzzle Feedback
3 Innovative Teaching-Learning Activity in Network Security: Smart Classroom / YouTube Videos Feedback
4 Innovative Teaching-Learning Activity in Machine Learning:Think Pair Share Feedback
5 Value Addition Program on Full Stack Development Feedback