The Institute adheres to the syllabus designed by affiliating University.During the course of delivery of syllabus content to the students, our faculty members enrich it with their own expertise and experience so that the gap between industry and academics is bridged and students become employable in this highly competitive world. Feedback about the demands and expectations of the corporate sector regarding skill set of students iscollectedthrough the interaction with the Industries. These demands of the Industries are then communicated to the concerned faculty memberswho in turn formulates add on courses and extra classes which are then conducted to make the students more competent in dynamic employment market.
I addition to this the Institute invites suggestions from its stakeholders such as students, teachers, alumni, employers and parents etc. about their expectations from the curriculum. The inputs are obtained from the stake holders regularly and further used for enriching the curriculum that helps to improvise the overall competency of the students for employability.
The feedback responses are analysed and presented before Head of the Department for consideration. Head of the Department finalize the decisions in discussion with Principal.
Based on all these decisions the Head of the Department/faculty members suggest the changes as corrective measures to the Board of Studies by email or personally during the meetings conducted for the syllabus revision by the respective Board of Studies (BoS).
Sr. No. | Feedback Type | Academic Year | Feedback Analysis and Action Taken |
1 | Students Feedback | 2021-2022 |
Feedback Analysis and Action Taken |
2022-2023 |
Feedback Analysis and Action Taken |
2023-2024 |
Feedback Analysis and Action Taken |
2 | Employer Feedback | 2021-2022 |
Feedback Analysis and Action Taken |
2022-2023 |
Feedback Analysis and Action Taken |
2023-2024 |
Feedback Analysis and Action Taken |
3 | Alumni Feedback | 2021-2022 |
Feedback Analysis and Action Taken |
2022-2023 |
Feedback Analysis and Action Taken |
2023-2024 |
Feedback Analysis and Action Taken |