SC/ST cell has been constituted in the college campus to resolve all the affairs and problems related to the SC/ST students and faculties.
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Mobile No. | Email Id |
1 | Dr. K. J. Karande | Chairman | 7350508899 | principal@sknscoe.ac.in |
2 | Dr. S. G. Kulkarni | Teaching Staff Representative | 7875212835 | swanand.kulkarni@sknscoe.ac.in |
3 | Mr. A. A. Kambale | Teaching Staff Representative from SC/ST | 9766617363 | amol.kamble@sknscoe.ac.in |
4 | Mr. S. R. Koli | Teaching Staff Representative from SC/ST | 8378017546 | somnath.koli@sknscoe.ac.in |
5 | Mrs. S. N. Bhore | Non-Teaching Staff Representative | 9637646395 | swatibhore4@gmail.com |